Celebrating small wins…

In an attempt to learn new things that are in my area of discomfort, I set out a year back trying to learn new things.

Today, I complete one full year of writing a article EVERY DAY.

What did I learn in the process?

  1. I learned to recognize and celebrate small wins. I no longer wait for big wins, every small win counts 🙂
  2. Started appreciating the various forms of art more. That actually feels refreshing especially when days and weeks get to be hard to cross!
  3. The days when I have had the most difficult times, and I spent time to learn about a new topic & write an article are the ones that turn out to be the most creative.
  4. Whatever short story I have written so far, have a side story that happened in my life during those times and these stories have helped me figure out ways to prioritize!
  5. I started reading many blogs and perspectives and was amazed by the varied perspectives!
  6. I learned financial literacy as it relates to a non-profit and a for-profit company
  7. I learned to seek expert advice to expedite our journey (be it with students, professional, community or healing related). It makes a HUGE difference to relieve the stress that we carry and expedites progress towards our goal.
  8. Am attending a session on Social media and Digital marketing next week.
  9. I learned that I was still clinging on to a circle that I could no longer relate to, and formed new networks that are absolutely relevant and wonderful to interact!
  10. I learned that no matter how busy we are, we always can make time for something we COMMIT to do. That was learning something and blogging everyday.

All these did not happen overnight, little by little & everyday realizations culminate in this moment of reflection.

That is why celebrating small wins makes a difference, as it forces you to reflect & creates a string of memories.

Satisfied, I continue.

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