Sending children to college

As students step into college, mothers go through a million emotions! There is a fine balance between holding on and letting go, and finding that sweet spot becomes a constant struggle and adventure!

Poem from a mom’s perspective!

Letting go is hard

But who said life was easy!

We have given you roots

It is time for you to grow your wings!

We have shown you the world through our eyes

Now, it is our turn to see them through yours!

You know how to prioritize

Never forget to prioritize yourself along the way!

You know how to handle big challenges

Don’t miss out enjoying the small things in life!

You know we would just be a message or call away

So never let yourself feel lonely any day!

You know life is full of ups and downs

Remember that both of them do not last for long!

While one expects you to learn humility

The other expects you to find your friends!

It is all about riding the wave

and bracing yourself through the bumps!

Be open to trying new things

and willing to adapt and grow along the way!

Remember to lend a helping hand and ask for one, when in need

Together, you would be able to walk a longer distance!

Figure out your own way to express yourself

As the more you communicate, the more you feel better!

And slowly & steadily, little by little, day by day

Whatever is meant for you, will make its way!

Wishing all the students stepping into college, best wishes for their bright future!

To all the moms sending their children off to college, how are you treading the balance?

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