
This is a popular offering at temples and a very tasty dish! Sharing the basic version and variations of Panchamrut (a.k.a Panchamrutam)!

Panchamrut is a sanskrit word. Pancha + Amrut, where Pancha means 5, and Amrut means Nectar of Gods.  Panchamrut is a blend of 5 ingredients which, when combined together in right quantity, enhance the quality of each other and give the best results.

1. Basic recipe

For good health, 1-2 teaspoons should be a good amount to eat in a day on an empty stomach(as a holy offering)

  1. Milk
  2. Yoghurt (Curd)
  3. Sugar
  4. Honey
  5. Ghee

To make it mix 2 tsps of Yoghurt, Honey, Ghee and mash in a bowl, add a tsp of Ghee and 1/4 cup of milk.

The mixture is best eaten fresh. It can be stored and eaten within 2-hour duration for best results.

Some prefer to use jaggery instead of granulated sugar

2. recipe for those suffering with mal-nutrition

For children who are picky eaters, suffer from anemia and mal-nutrition, this is suggested as a recipe to help them recover (to be eaten for a specific period).


Set 1: Milk, Yoghurt (Curd), Honey, Sugar/Jaggery and Ghee

Set 2: Additionally – Raisins, Bananas, dried Dates, Kalkandu (rock sugar)

  • Mix the ingredients in Set 1 as in the basic recipe above.
  • Add 5 raisins, 1/2 banana, 3 dates, and 2 tsp rock sugar into the same and mix.

The mixture is best eaten fresh. It can be stored and eaten within 4-hour duration for best results.

3. recipe for women

Women tend to get anemic during their puberty and/or menopause. Iron content in the body fluctuates tending to anemia and other issues. A version of this recipe is suggested for women to promote better health and well-being.


Set 1: Milk, Yoghurt (Curd), Honey, Sugar/Jaggery and Ghee

Set 2: Additionally – Raisins, Bananas, dried Dates, Kalkandu (rock sugar)

Set 3: Dried figs

  • Mix the ingredients in Set 1 as in the basic recipe above.
  • Add 5 raisins, 1/2 banana, 3 dates, and 2 tsp rock sugar into the same and mix.
  • Add 2 dried figs chopped into pieces and mix.

The mixture is best eaten fresh. It can be stored and eaten within 4-hour duration for best results.

Health benefits:

It should be eaten every day, preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach.

  1. It boosts immunity and helps in physical growth.
  2. Nourishes the skin and keeps hair healthy 
  3. Aids a smoother pregnancy as well
  4. Healthy for women during puberty/menopause
  5. It provides general strength
  6. Vitalizes the brain

Did you Know

In Palani temple (in South India), Panchamrutam is made without using milk. Instead local plantains are used. Helps increase shelf life as well!

Simple recipe to improve health and immunity

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