Investing in ourselves helps

We might be good at various things, however, do we have that one skill that is useful to someone else, one marketable skill? That makes all the difference! If we are not able identify that ONE skill, maybe it is time to invest in ourselves and reskill!

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Our perspectives differentiate us

In our day to day busy lives, all of us develop the ability to ignore a few things, to focus on few others that we deem important in our lives. Think about it… it happens quite often!

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Brain (Neural) implants – Curing diseases

It sounds like science fiction, but a neural implant could read and edit a person’s thoughts. Neural implants are already being used to treat disease, rehabilitate the body after injury, improve memory, communicate with prosthetic limbs, and more.

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Experiences with job search sites

Anyone who has ever tried to apply for a job and registered on the job-search sites would know the pain that comes with it. Some of these seem to be common across the world.

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Behavioral economics – what is it?

When we go for shopping, we usually go with a list of things to buy. Mostly we write down what we need, and tend to choose what we want (or potentially might want) based on how appealing products are! Do our buying patterns indicate something about us? If someone were to forecast what we would need and when, can they get it right?

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What is your brain color?

Few years back, I was into experimenting a variety of psychometric instruments that can be tuned to understand the work patterns of employees in an organization. Naturally, how to make them more effective was a constant thought process! Was thinking about how it applies to non-work scenarios!

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Humility as a job requirement

Yes. I was surprised as well. What types of jobs would want humility! It was interesting to see this new trait being expected in job postings.

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Conservation of birds facing extinction

Birds facing extinction is a global phenomenon. Who can help fight and protect them? How does the state participate in these efforts? Let us take a look at it using the Bald eagle program at New Jersey.

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Investing in ourselves helps

We might be good at various things, however, do we have that one skill that is useful to someone else, one marketable skill? That makes all the difference! If we are not able identify that ONE skill, maybe it is time to invest in ourselves and reskill!

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Amanda Gorman – new generation

The glass ceiling was broken today with a woman stepping up into a Vice Presidential role! One other lady stole the show! Amanda Gorman and her poem instantly became the most trending topic midway through her speech!

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Local entrepreneurs series #6 – Kancheevaram sarees

A common friend re-connected me with an old college friend – Prasanna, who has started a small business following her passion around sarees to sell Kancheevaram (Kanjeevaram) sarees online. Was inspired by her and writing this post to request support! During the pandemic, we can support local small businesses, and entrepreneurs in some way we can! Every bit counts!

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Social styles amongst virtual groups

Social styles indicator is a profiling assessment used in Corporates, mostly to understand Leadership behaviors. I have found it useful in Corporate. It was interesting to see how the indicator can help understand oneself in normal day to day activities as well!

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Tirupaavai and leading change

Last year for the first time I got to listen and understand Tirupaavai – a classic Tamil literature about Andal (an ardent devotee of Maha Vishnu) and how she interpreted and led change!

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Necessity driven Innovation – Cooking on a truck

My mother forwarded a video today that was truly inspirational! The simplicity of the idea and ease of implementation was amazing! A simple scientific concept with a good implementation supporting thousands of people eat meals everyday!

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Getting harder to take one step at a time….?

For some of us, challenges in life are pushing us to a corner where taking one step at a time is also difficult. Impact on one decision or change needing to be evaluated on multiple fronts, makes us think and continue to re-evaluate our options. So, what do we do in those times?

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My brief interaction with Stephen R. Covey

Many of us have known or must have read Stephen Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people! In my previous role, I had the opportunity to invite him for a webinar at work and was pleasantly surprised during his interaction!

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Learning from the mouse merchant

I used to love reading stories to my brothers while growing up! There was one story that I remember we read it together multiple times and wondered about how opportunities knock and what one can make out it!

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Operating in an unstructured zone

Many of us tend to be very comfortable operating in a safe and secure structured zone. If we do not have one, some of us have the ability to create one for ourselves. How important is it? How can we tap into those who can operate in the unstructured space?

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Five Asian soaps to watch (with subtitles of course)

In the past few years, I started watch Asian soaps and was impressed with certain aspects that are unique to their culture. Sharing my view of the best ones to watch when you are looking for a change in genre!

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Every day counts towards writing your history

History is made one step at a time, one choice at a time, one day at a time. We can write our own history if we plan for it and act accordingly in our present!

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Resourcefulness – learning from Sri Rama

Recently I got an opportunity to listen to Ramayana and the virtues of Rama. Was amazed by His resourcefulness and what I could emulate from His nature.

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Life lessons from the story of a salt seller

While growing up, my mother used to tell me many stories. She would then ask me to figure out the moral of the story and how I would use it in life. It used to be interesting listening to her stories while she was busy multi-tasking through her chores. One of the stories about a salt seller got etched in my mind.. sharing it and what I learned from it!

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