Short story – value of a coin

An old couple used to live in a village. They had a son who was not interested in studies, nor working. While his mother always supported him in his efforts, his father was always apprehensive about his son’s ways and wanted him to change.

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Learning from crabs

Carcinization (or carcinisation) is an example of convergent evolution in which a crustacean evolves into a crab-like form from a non-crab-like form. What is so special about being a crab? What can we learn from this?

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Kabanda from Ramayanam

When we face challenges in life, how do we get to know how to solve them? How do we know where to look for help and who can help us? A small story from Ramayanam gives a clue!

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Precious life lessons from my mother in law

My mother and mother-in-law have two very different parenting styles and I have had the opportunity to learn from both 🙂 Sharing the tips & learnings from my mother in law in this post!

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5 ways to focus on ourselves without being selfish

Focusing on ourselves is not always being self-centered! When we take care of ourselves, we are in a better physical and mental state of mind to be there for others!

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Thirukkural – Verses on parenting

The Thirukkuṟaḷ is a classic Tamil language text consisting of short couplets of seven words each, each of them being called a kural, focusing on virtues of life. Sharing some of the verses on parenting!

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How to improve self-confidence?

When we are going through extended difficult times, over a period of time we realize.. somewhere our self-confidence and self-esteem are the ones that get shaken up! Is there a way to rebuild it, even while going through difficult times..?

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Short story on retaining focus

There was once a devotee who loved visiting the temple and performing religious rituals. She yearned to be serving at the temple, doing small things that gave her immense pleasure that she was serving God!

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Empty room test

Power outages used to be common during my school days, every outage typically lasting at least 5-6 hours. It used to be the perfect storytelling time for my mother! Sharing one of the stories that makes me think every time I encounter a challenge!

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How can you get influenced?

Our thoughts, actions, views are all influenced by what we watch, hear, see and whom we interact with everyday. Can we be conscious about it to trigger the change that we want in our lives?

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What is your brain color?

Few years back, I was into experimenting a variety of psychometric instruments that can be tuned to understand the work patterns of employees in an organization. Naturally, how to make them more effective was a constant thought process! Was thinking about how it applies to non-work scenarios!

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Tongue as an indicator of health

During a health checkup, Doctors ask us to show our tongue! Was interesting to see that our tongue is a good indicator of our personal health!

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Check on your friends and relatives

With the extreme weather conditions, and life changing events, felt like writing about checking on friends and relatives. Some of us are good at asking for help, and some of us just keep to ourselves! Reaching out and checking on friends can go a long way for us and for them!

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Parents involvement in homework

Every working parent has some sort of schedule which maybe daily, weekly or monthly and a calendar filled with meetings and time allotted to do their actual work. Now, where do children’s homework fit in?

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Physical strength is equally important

The past year has put a lot of emphasis on mental strength for us to deal with the revised normal. One aspect that gets missed out very consciously (or down prioritized) is our physical health.

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Humility as a job requirement

Yes. I was surprised as well. What types of jobs would want humility! It was interesting to see this new trait being expected in job postings.

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